Compare anything

We have built Compare24 because we all spend an enormous amount of time and energy comparing things in our lives; everything from the best offer on air condition maintenance, cheapest car tires, the best insurance, to which daycare provider to choose. Compare24 gives you a free and simple tool to compare everything with ease.


Compare anything with ease

Our goal is to make it easy to compare anything

Share with third parties

Make your comparison tables available to share with the world. Make them completely open in a read-only format or keep it the selected few you grant permission with a password of your choosing. See an open example here or a password-protected one here (password: compare). 

Built for collaboration allows you to share the information you are working on with other people so they can see and contribute too. 

Helps you in negotiation situations

By having all information in a structured and comparable overview, you achieve an upper hand in any price negotiation situation. 

Get a better deal by comparing

When we set out to buy a high-value item, whether a physical product or service, there is often a lot of money to save by collecting and comparing offers. 

Compare on unlimited parameters

Price isn’t everything when you are comparing goods and services. That is why Compare24 gives you the option to add an unlimited number of other parameters too. See an example here.  

More than a glorified spreadsheet

Online, collaborative, sharable and versatile. Combined with intuitive workflow, Compare24 is more than just a glorified spreadsheet. 

Free to use

Compare24 is free to use thanks to our sponsors and patrons.

Getting started

  • Create a free account

    Go to your account area and get started right away. Signup is free and easy.

  • Create or join an organisation

    Once logged in, you can join or create an organisation. If you are the owner of an organisation, you can invite others to join so they can contribute to the work. You can be part of as many organisations as you want.

  • Start comparing

    Continue your work on an existing sheet or create a new one.